I Hate Podcasts

I guess I’m not an auditory type. However, I LOVED this podcast – every minute of it. I listened to ALL of it! I love James McKenna! I really do! I LOVED his books – especially his most recent one: Safe Infant Sleep: Expert Answers to Your Cosleeping Questions by James J. McKenna. Ph.D. Dr. McKenna hit another home run with this book. It’s geared toward a general audience – including families and health professionals working with families.

Dr. McKenna’s science-backed information is that we have done a disservice to babies and their families by promoting sleep in separate locations. Rather than teach people how to make an adult bed a safer sleep surface, we have instead told people that it’s simply dangerous to co-sleep. The truth is  most infants in the US spend at least some of their time in parents’ beds. Why not give the parents the information they need to make good decisions about ho best to do it – and when not to do it? Good question, right?

Here’s the link to the podcast: Biologically Normal Infant Sleep I hope you listen and enjoy it as much as I did!

In the mean time, let’s get together for some online prenatal and postpartum yoga. OK?