When I consider how babies fit into — and through — a maternal pelvis I view it from three perspectives: midwifery, bodywork and yoga. As a midwife I generally know more about birth than many bodyworkers. As a bodyworker I know more about how, anatomically and bio-mechanically, a baby fits into and ultimately through a maternal pelvis – more than than some midwives. This is about optimal fetal positioning – or lack thereof. Read more
Why Did My Baby Get Stuck?
Carol Gray
Babies, Birth, Bodywork, Infants, Postpartum, Pregnancy, Wellness
abdominal organ mobility, asynclitic, babies, birth outcomes, birth plans, birth preparation, carol gray, cesarean scar, craniosacral therapy, epidurals, fetal constraint, fibroids, iliacus, making room for babies, mamaspace yoga, optimal fetal positioning, pelvic floor, pregnancy fitness, pregnancy yoga, pregnant, pregnant exercise, prenatal care, prenatal yoga, psoas, science, self care, SI Joints, stuck babies, uterine mobility, uterus, yoga