There are many things that contribute to fetal constraint (stuck babies). Any one of them can operate independently, but usually there are multiple causes for less than optimal fetal positioning that have synergistic or additive effects. As I continue to explore the multiple causes, I will provide examples of how these things can work in concert to prevent babies from moving into more ideal positions for their continued gestation, birth and a comfortable, functional life in their bodies outside the womb. Read more
Fetal Factors: How Babies Get Themselves Stuck
Carol Gray
Babies, Birth, Bodywork, Pregnancy, Wellness
amniotic fluid, babies, birth outcomes, birth preparation, breastfeeding, breathe, cardinal movements, carol gray, cesarean birth, cord around the neck, craniosacral therapy, fertility drugs, fetal constraint, identical twins, intrapartum care, IVF, making room for babies, non-identical twins, nuchal cord, optimal fetal positioning, pregnant, prenatal care, primitive reflexes, science, stuck babies, twins, umbilical cords, VBAC